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News & Fun

Stephane's farewell and birthday. We are sad to see you leave but wish you the best of luck! And, of course, a Happy Birthday!

The season for winter Birthdays begins with Jan - Happy Birthday Jan ! ​It was also a good opportunity for our first group picture.

Asim joins the lab for an internship. Asim completed his undergraduate studies in biomedical engineering and then worked at the University of Amsterdam and ETH Zurich for his Master's degree. Welcome Asim!

It's finally official - we have received one of this year's ERC starting grants! Very exciting news for all of us!

Steve successfully completed his Summer internship in our lab and we celebrated his accomplishments with pizza and pastries. We wish Steve the best of luck for his Master's studies at the University of Strasbourg, which he will start next month.

As of the beginning of March, the lab is fully up and running. A special thanks to Sandra, Stephane and everyone else at the FMI who helped us getting off the ground quickly.

Happy Birthday Sandra!

Jan joins the lab on January 9th as a Ph.D. student. Jan obtained his undergraduate and Masters' degrees from the Universities of Münster and Tübingen, respectively, and recently concluded his Masters' thesis work in Mitch Guttman's lab at Caltech. Welcome Jan!

The Bleichert lab officially opens January 2nd with Franziska, Sandra and Stephane. The main lab looks still a little empty, but hopefully not for long...
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